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Battle Of The Year (BOTY) has been running since 1990. From modest beginnings, it has grown into the most important breaking competition in the world. Many go so far as to consider BOTY the unofficial world championship of breaking. Six Step is proud to have kept the event running for over 30 years, during which time it’s gone from strength to strength and continuously kept pace with modern developments.

At a glance – what Six Step delivers for Battle Of The Year:

The first Battle Of The Year (BOTY) in 1990 was where Six Step’s story as an agency begins. Beginning life as a small event in a youth club in Döhren, Hanover, it quickly grew to become the international scene’s most important breaking competition for groups. Now, BOTY is often considered the unofficial breaking world championship. The qualification rounds happen all across the world and the winners convene for the grand finale, where the breaking champion is crowned.

Each year, the events draw in crowds of between 5,000 and 10,000 visitors while around 280,000 fans follow BOTY on Facebook and 130,000 on Instagram.

In Battle Of The Year’s 30-year history, Six Step has achieved a one-of-a-kind global network of contacts around BOTY. This includes artists, dancers and event producers, stretching well beyond the breaking scene. The network never stops growing.

  • Full-service event management

  • Organisation of international qualifiers

  • Ticketing, logistics and hospitality

  • PR and marketing

  • Social media management